We got up early to start our day with a tour of the Boeing factory in Everett, WA. They wouldn't allow cameras or even phones for fear of corporate espionage so we don't have any pictures but, take our word for it, the place is absolutely huge. Some of the tunnels in the basement are over 1/3 mile long. The working floor is so big that it could contain enough football fields for the NFL to play its entire season in one day. There are 29 cafeterias and everything else employees would want, right on the campus. They bused us from one part of the building to
another to see several assembly lines for airliners. The place is amazing!
After we left the Boeing factory, we headed into downtown Seattle. Our first stop was the Seattle Space Needle. We've been there before but it was so long ago that the boys' memories have faded. The lines were short so we got up top quickly and enjoyed our view of Seattle and the Sound. After the novelty wore off, the boys were ready to move on so we decended and headed over to Pike Place Market. We'd never been there before and
it was facinating. We expected a simple fish market and found a several block long, multiple-story complex of unusal, one-of-a-kind stores. We could have spent the entire day strolling from store to store and even the boys were entertained. Leslie had told us that we needed to see the "flying fish"
and the monkfish but we hadn't realized exactly what she meant by that. As we passed the largest fish shop, someone purchased several complete salmon. The clerk at the register shouted the order to the guys near the iced fish and they responded by flinging entire 20 lb salmon through the air. The cashier deftly caught them and rang them up; "flying fish" indeed. Then we found the monkfish. It was the ugliest fish
we'd ever seen and was dangling from the ice at the front of the counter. Leslie encouraged us to pose for photos with it but forgot to mention that the fish is attached to a rope that can be pulled by any employee. The result is that the head of the monkfish jumps almost a foot in the air like it was still alive. You can imagine the reaction of anyone stooped over, posing with their face next to this ugly fish. If only we'd had our camera ready when Jake was surprised by the fish coming alive.
Once we stopped sightseeing, we got down to the business of purchasing food for dinner. We got some Koho salmon, shrimp, French bread, and various fruits and veggies. We headed back to Leslie and Tom's for a wonderful dinner.
Tom had caught some Dungeonous crabs that went well with the salmon. We spent the rest of the evening relaxing around a fire on the deck while the kids roasted marshmallows.
Tomorrow, we'll sleep in and then head up to Vancouver, British Columbia for the final day of an international fireworks competition. The guys are looking forward to that and to visiting a different country.
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