With memories of Graceland still fresh in our minds, we headed out today to see what
Memphis had to offer. We started our day by taking the momorail out to Mud Island. There is a wonderful museum of the Mississippi River on the island. We spent a couple of hours wandering through the museum and then went outside to walk along the scale model of the Mississippi. The models is hundreds of yards long and shows great detail. You can even see where the river is wide and shallow and where it gets narrow and deep. It's full of water and Jake and Tyler had a great time wading through the water and racing leaves on the current. The various cities along the river are akso created (to scale) on the deck. We had fun finding where our camper was parked, both in Memphis and in New Orleans, weeks earlier. Near the end of the island the model river spills out into models of the delta and the Gulf of Mexico. Even Laker Ponchartrain is there at the side of New Orleans.
For the highlight of our day we walked up to the
Peabody Hotel in down town Memphis. That's right! We attended the parade of the Peabody Ducks. It's quite a grand presentation with a "Duck Master" and a red carpet that gets rolled out from the fountain to the elevator that takes the ducks to the duck palace on the roof. Right on time, the ducks climbed out of the lobby fountain that they'd been swimming in since their morning parade and waddled down the carpet to the elevator. After a short while we followed to the roof and got some excellent looks at the city as well and a brief "gander" at where the ducks live when they're not on display in the fountain.
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