We got into the campsite yesterday afternoon and took the campground shuttle into town. We wandered around the French Quarter for a while, walked down Bourbon Street (not kid friendly and worse as night approaches), and strolled the River Walk along the Mississippi River. We stopped in at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville restaurant for some souveniers. Before returning to the shuttle, we visited the famous Cafe' Du Mond for some benieges. They're essentially french donuts without a hole, covered with heaps of powdered sugar. They were delicious and the guys now have a new favorite food.
Today, we took the shuttle into town and jumped on a streetcar to the Garden District. A guided walking tour included the homes of Sandra Bullok, Nicholas Cage, Ann Rice and the Mannings (Archie, Peyton and Eli). This was the "country" when New Orleans was first established and was populated by Americans while New Orleans was populated primarily by the French and Spanish. The homes were spectacular.
You really need a nice cafe-au-lait with those benieges. :) Nothing like a hot beniege with a pound of powdered sugar on it!!